(1) Industry:
development of Bangladesh suffers because of the following factors
(a) Market inside the country is limited because
of the limited purchasing power of the people.
(b) Infrastructure
for industrial development is not adequate enough
(c) Dependence
on others for better technology
(d) Lack
of invest able fund and experienced
Bangladesh in such a situation should initially go
for setting up basic need industries. It should set up such industries which
will meet immediate need of the people, generate more employment to enhance
purchasing power. A chain of centre’s of basic-need-industries can be set up at
upazilla level. A subsequent or simultaneous
step should be taken to setup intermediate. Large scale and heavy industries. Industrialization of
Bangladesh is a must Because limited cultivable land make it a compulsion to
create provision of employment in industry for the abundant labor force which con not be absorbed in agriculture
(2) Agriculture:
Our agriculture is still primitive and suffers from a malady caused by our
typical social phenomena. The majority of actual land owners are mostly
clandestine and absentees. they do not
have link with land . Sharecroppers who cultivate for land owners cannot
develop land and increase production due to poverty. Besides infrastructure for
farm production such as irrigation net work. Electricity and flood control are
still limited.
we should establish such institutional framework that would ensure productivity
of land by extending financial and infrastructural facilities, and make
available better inputs.
(3) Communication
: communication network extends the infrastructure for development Expansion of
industries or development of agriculture is impossible without good dependable
communication network . we should therefore go for expanding and modernisig road, railway, rivering, marine and air
communications to match the need of development. All district headquarters
should be brought under a modern road
and these objectives should be taken up
keeping in view the future development programs .
(4) Education:
Spread of education depended upon alleviation of poverty. High rate of dropouts at
different academic levels result both from poverty and the thin link between
productivity and social need with the curriculum contents. An education policy
to be effective should attract youth to formal education by linking
curiculam contents with production.
Vocation and social needs. At the same time education curriculum dhoukd contain
such elements that would edify morality and sense of values of the younger generation.
(5) Culture:
culture and Art are the media of expression and promotion of finer human
values. But when misconceived culture
and art can be turned into vehicle and tools of degeneration of attitude
towards life and out rail the way of living .the party wants development of
culture In consonance with our history ,
tradition and religious values.
(6) Power and energy development: We should
follow a policy of adopting most modern
technology in the field of power generation so that we can modernise our
production base and begin a
process to catch international market. We should muster up means of establish nuclear power
plant. If we choose to follow traditional energy policy our technology shall be obsolete and we will be lagging
behind in international market. Zaker
party , however in committed to confining us of nuclear power to peaceful
purposes only.
(7) Tourism:
Zaker Party wants promotion of tourism as a means of promotiong friendship and
brotherhood: as well as to unfold our national tradition, culture, history,
heritage and nature. However our values should not be allowed to be
proliferated .
(8) Resource
Generation: The development of a nation is virtually an equation of utilisation of available man power. Natural, mineral
resources and best use of technology. An appropriate plan should be taken to
explore mineral. Marine water, forest human and other natural resources and
quantify their potentials on short and long term basis. We should also choose
an technology which will be fit for our economy, expand opportunity for optimal
employment and help promote international market for our products. This will
enable us to adopt a meaningful plan for development.
(9) Technological
and Scientific Research: Due
importance shall be given on evolving new processes for better utilization of
our natural resources and to develop
technology to enhance employment potentials, increase productivity and grab new market.
The ultimate objective of our thoughts and
perception of national development is to build up an ideal society idealization
of the quality of individuals in the state. In our opinion state should adopt and uphold such values as would create
and preserve a society which will meet the needs of both body and soul.
evolution or establishment of such a society calls for leadership which will be
God fearing, and gifted with talent. Vision, integrity, spirit of self sacrifice. The ability to mobiles people
right to causes .Given earnestness Sincerity, sanity and clarity of thoughts,
conscience and vision. We can be optimistic of receiving |Divine sanction for
the onward march of our nation . A condition. And atmosphere therefore should
be created which will be conducive for achieving the cherished goal of
development and ensure emancipation of people, economic. Political religious
and spiritual.
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