Thursday, September 8, 2016

Name of the party and Background

Background: Zaker  party is a socio religious organization, set up by Hazrat Maulana  Khawj a baba Shah Sufi Farid puri (M.Z.A), a great Islamic Sufi Saint of our time.He is popularly known as the pir Shaheb Kiblajan Hujur of  Bishwa Jaker Manjil of Atrosi. Bishwa Zaker Monjil is the name of his hermitage is established. Bishwa Zaker Monjil  means universal abode of those who remember  God.
The party was launched through  a formal announcement by the Pirshaheb Kiblajan hujur  at a very auspicious date and time. The twelfth day of the Robiul Awwal or the third month of the Arabic Lunnar calendar which is the anniversary of the birth of prophet Hazrat Mohammad (sm) was the date of announcement of the party. The time was chosen at the last phase of the night. The last part of the night is regarded with 14th October, 1989  or 29th   Ashwin of  Bengali  calendar year 1396 B.S.

Objective of the party: The main objective of the party is to attract the people to the teachings of  Hazrat  Pirkeblajan  Hujur. The teaching he imparts is the internal ideals of  man`s search for spiritual communion with the Supreme Being. This quest is handed down to Muslim Sufis by Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm) through successive spiritual  masters. An individual`s spiritual communion with the Suprem being springs forth a fountain of eternal peace. The spiritual  explorer experiences a divine pleasure and peace as have advances in has course of the divine quest. The party  believes and upholds  the truth that spiritual communion of individuals with the Supreme Being is the only value that in the true sense can keep people sanctified from evil instincts and make a person righteous and just in the conduct of day to day activities. Therefore it is essential that people irrespective of life should pursue that value. all actions of all individual should reflect that value. Only then people would be righteous and society shall be just. Therefore zaker party wishes that the value be established, reflected, preserved, protected and upheld in individual, social and national life. An individual in quest for spiritual communion with the supreme being is required to get rid of all evil instincts and to submit before the will of the creator earnestly. One has to be sanctified from evil instincts such as last, greed, anger,vanity, malice etc. At the same time one who searches communion with the supreme being has to acquire love and blessings of the supreme being by way of serving the humanity and upholding just cause in the society when justice is flouted by wanton acquires such qualities in the process of ones quest for Allah under the supervision and guidance of a spiritual master. The spiritual master shows the path of getting rid of the evil instincts.So one who seeks to search spiritual communion with Allah acquires versatile human qualities Usually usch   qualities   are ont  found among persons who do not go for spiritual pursuil. One who follows and upholds this value thus becomes righteous in day-to-day activities, grows the quality of serving people selflessly, upholds justice and truth.

The Pirshaheb  Kiblazan Huzur who is the founder of the party wants that every individual of our time be imbued with this value and grow such qualities. Individuals are the cells of the society. The better human being the individuals are,the better the society.

The  pirshaheb  Kiblazan  of Bishwa Zaker Manzil has established  Zaker  party to uphold such values in society as will create honest, human, just and righteous man. He wants ti see flourishment  of  a society which will inspire people not only to God fearing but also to be on quest for spiritual communion with God, as it is the spiritual quest affirms the faith.
The Pirshaheb  Kiblazan Huzur who is the founder of the party wants that every individual of our time be imbued with this value and grow such qualities. Individuals are the cells of the society. The better human being the individuals are,the better the society.

The  pirshaheb  Kiblazan  of Bishwa Zaker Manzil has established  Zaker  party to uphold such values in society as will create honest, human, just and righteous man. He wants ti see flourishment  of  a society which will inspire people not only to God fearing but also to be on quest for spiritual communion with God, as it is the spiritual quest affirms the faith.

Relevance and importance of the value of man`s spiritual communion with the Supreme Being:   Individuals are the cells of a society. An ideal individual is the ingredient, catalyst and sustainer of an ideal society. An ideal man pursues a code of conduct in  day to day activities that does not cause harm to any other person`s intersts. An ideal man is obviously one who upholds certain values. But question remanis what values shall one uphold  in the society ? we find state and religion are the two source of values. A school of philosopher believes that values upheld by the state is good enough to keep people moral. In the other word those philosophers tend  belive  that people at the helm of affairs of the state can create, protect and uphold a social value by welding power. In their ultimate analysis power becomes the source of the valus or so to say, state assumes the role of creating and up guarding  value.  But can this contention be justifiable or tenable? A superior force can replace the people who are at a given time using the state power to establish certain value and thus the valus of a state con be changed. Thanging  or upholding the value of a society . But state is not a super natural being, nor any body attacher belief with state.
So the discipline that state imposes is essentially based on force. But force is not monopoly of the state either. Therefore the discipline a state imposes may be challenged. Nor state by its laws and administration can guide all actions of individuals. But all actions of individuals con  be guided only by  their religious faith, A believer pursues belief and conducts actions voluntarily out of an inner spirit. Therefore it is the religious belief which is the genuine source of values. Social values are transient and transitory.

The power of state is held by a particular force at particular period of time the value that social force is susceptible to be partisan instead of being universal. But righteousness calls for rising above  parochialism and prejudice and develop a universal outlook.
A  society , unless totalitarian, consists of people having many sheds of opinion and beliefs. Despite the difference of   belief  and opinion, a value system should grow in the society which will inspire people of one  segment to live together with  other segments in harmony and peace.
 A person`s belief   in Supreme Being becomes perfect when he reaches the stage of spiritual communion with the Supreme Being after  a  systematic spiritual  quest the  guidance of a spiritual master who himself  had  reached the stage of spiritual communion and got form God as gift of blessings, the ability to guide other people`s spiritual pursuit.

Since spiritual communion with divinity confirms religious values and since religious faith and value sanctify   the conduct of human beings, it is to be acknowledged that people of such values are better social beings, If the number of such people is larger in a particular society that society is likely to be more stable. Therefore zaker party seeks to imbue among people the value of spiritual communion with the supreme Being in the interest of building a better society and by way of creating just, honest and  righteous people; putting a brake on the erosion of value and exploitation.

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